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Location﹕Home > Prodcuts > NMB 4715MS-12T-B50-H00 NMB_AC Axial Fan * E-MAIL 1 Print
Description Picture
 Part No: 72838
 Product No: 4715MS-12T-B50-H00
 Manufacturer NMB
 Description: NMB-MAT AC Axial Fan
 Category: 16﹒NMB_AC Axial Fan
Specification Description
 Description  NMB-MAT AC Axial Fan
 Volt.  115/230Vac
 Size(mm)  120×120×38mm
 r.p.m  2900
 Current(A)  250mA
 Watts  15.5/14.5W
 Air Flow(CFM)  45.9~102.0
 Noise (dBA)  41
 Ball/Sleeve  Ball
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