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Location﹕Home > Prodcuts > TADIRAN TLL-5902 TADIRAN_ Lithium Non-Rechangeable * E-MAIL 1 Print
Description Picture
 Part No: 64519
 Product No: TLL-5902
 Manufacturer TADIRAN
 Description: TADIRAN_iXtra Series Untagged Lithium Non-chargeable Battery
 Category: 02﹒TADIRAN_ Lithium Non-Rechangeable
Specification Description
 Description  TADIRAN_iXtra Series Untagged Lithium Non-chargeable Battery
 Volt.  3.6V
 Capacity mAh  950mhA
 Can Style  1/2AA
 L*Dia.  25.2*14.5mm
 Weight (g)  9.6g
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