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Location﹕Home > Prodcuts > CHILISIN PBY321611T-310Y-N 1206/1210 SMD Ferrite Bead * E-MAIL 1 Print
Description Picture
 Part No: 53407
 Product No: PBY321611T-310Y-N
 Manufacturer CHILISIN
 Description: 1206 SMD Multilayer Ferrite Chip Bead
 Category: 49﹒1206/1210 SMD Ferrite Bead
Specification Description
 Description  1206 SMD Multilayer Ferrite Chip Bead
 Imp. Ω (25MHz)  
 Imp. Ω (100MHz)  31Ω±25%
 Size A×B×C  3.2*1.6*1.1mm
 Weight  0.15kg/R
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