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Miniature G Series Fuses   [ 123 items ]    |<<    <<    >>    >>|    pages:7 / 13        Go to: page
Pictures Technical Information Specification + Inquiry
160 ¡@
Part No¡G 36477
Product No¡G 160 000-400mA
Manufacturer¡G SIBA
Description¡G ºC·»SMD«OÀIµ· T
Category¡G 18¡OMiniature G Series Fuses
Datasheets¡G PDF Category-- Manufacturer Spec --
DescriptionºC·»SMD«OÀIµ· T
Ampere Rating400mA
Volt. Rating250V
IR (A)100A
Size( D*Hmm)
160 ¡@
Part No¡G 36476
Product No¡G 160 000-315mA
Manufacturer¡G SIBA
Description¡G ºC·»SMD«OÀIµ· T
Category¡G 18¡OMiniature G Series Fuses
Datasheets¡G PDF Category-- Manufacturer Spec --
DescriptionºC·»SMD«OÀIµ· T
Ampere Rating315mA
Volt. Rating250V
IR (A)100A
Size( D*Hmm)
160 ¡@
Part No¡G 36509
Product No¡G 160 000-3.15A
Manufacturer¡G SIBA
Description¡G ºC·»SMD«OÀIµ· T
Category¡G 18¡OMiniature G Series Fuses
Datasheets¡G PDF Category-- Manufacturer Spec --
DescriptionºC·»SMD«OÀIµ· T
Ampere Rating3.15A
Volt. Rating250V
IR (A)100A
Size( D*Hmm)
160 ¡@
Part No¡G 36507
Product No¡G 160 000-2A
Manufacturer¡G SIBA
Description¡G ºC·»SMD«OÀIµ· T
Category¡G 18¡OMiniature G Series Fuses
Datasheets¡G PDF Category-- Manufacturer Spec --
DescriptionºC·»SMD«OÀIµ· T
Ampere Rating2A
Volt. Rating250V
IR (A)100A
Size( D*Hmm)
160 ¡@
Part No¡G 36475
Product No¡G 160 000-250mA
Manufacturer¡G SIBA
Description¡G ºC·»SMD«OÀIµ· T
Category¡G 18¡OMiniature G Series Fuses
Datasheets¡G PDF Category-- Manufacturer Spec --
DescriptionºC·»SMD«OÀIµ· T
Ampere Rating250mA
Volt. Rating250V
IR (A)100A
Size( D*Hmm)
160 ¡@
Part No¡G 36474
Product No¡G 160 000-200mA
Manufacturer¡G SIBA
Description¡G ºC·»SMD«OÀIµ· T
Category¡G 18¡OMiniature G Series Fuses
Datasheets¡G PDF Category-- Manufacturer Spec --
DescriptionºC·»SMD«OÀIµ· T
Ampere Rating200mA
Volt. Rating250V
IR (A)100A
Size( D*Hmm)
160 ¡@
Part No¡G 36508
Product No¡G 160 000-2.5A
Manufacturer¡G SIBA
Description¡G ºC·»SMD«OÀIµ· T
Category¡G 18¡OMiniature G Series Fuses
Datasheets¡G PDF Category-- Manufacturer Spec --
DescriptionºC·»SMD«OÀIµ· T
Ampere Rating2.5A
Volt. Rating250V
IR (A)100A
Size( D*Hmm)
160 ¡@
Part No¡G 36504
Product No¡G 160 000-1A
Manufacturer¡G SIBA
Description¡G ºC·»SMD«OÀIµ· T
Category¡G 18¡OMiniature G Series Fuses
Datasheets¡G PDF Category-- Manufacturer Spec --
DescriptionºC·»SMD«OÀIµ· T
Ampere Rating1A
Volt. Rating250V
IR (A)100A
Size( D*Hmm)
160 ¡@
Part No¡G 36473
Product No¡G 160 000-160mA
Manufacturer¡G SIBA
Description¡G ºC·»SMD«OÀIµ· T
Category¡G 18¡OMiniature G Series Fuses
Datasheets¡G PDF Category-- Manufacturer Spec --
DescriptionºC·»SMD«OÀIµ· T
Ampere Rating160mA
Volt. Rating250V
IR (A)100A
Size( D*Hmm)
160 ¡@
Part No¡G 36472
Product No¡G 160 000-125mA
Manufacturer¡G SIBA
Description¡G ºC·»SMD«OÀIµ· T
Category¡G 18¡OMiniature G Series Fuses
Datasheets¡G PDF Category-- Manufacturer Spec --
DescriptionºC·»SMD«OÀIµ· T
Ampere Rating125mA
Volt. Rating250V
IR (A)100A
Size( D*Hmm)
Miniature G Series Fuses   [ 123 items ]    |<<    <<    >>    >>|    pages:7 / 13        Go to: page
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